Dan Hirshon - Film Editor

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Iphone Stylus Part 2

Messing around some more with the iphone stylus.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Ultimate Worrier: Episode 2

Worry no more!  The Ultimate Worrier Episode 2 is finally here!

Check out the rest of the web-series here.

Monday, September 24, 2012

New Video Sketch: The Legend of Mike Drawp

The Legend of Mike Drawp - watch more funny videos      

Just shot and edited this with my good friends, Mike Cannon, Amy Carlson, Lauren Atkins, Jay NogTim Warner (and Chris Rock).  It's fairly ridiculous and I loved every moment of putting it together.  Except maybe the nude scene.  Just kidding, that was my favorite part.

For more videos from Miracle Workers, check out Miracle Workers Comedy or on facebook.   

Mike Tyson

Still messing around with the computer drawing pad my brother gave me. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Drawings With New Iphone Stylus

I bought a drawing stylus at Tekserve: Adonit Jot Pro.  They told me it was the best one there but I feel like it's off a little bit when I draw.  I've been using the app, DoodleBuddy, which is ok, but I wish I could find an app where they let you can use thinner lines.  Do you know of one?

Anyway, here are some of the sketches...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Ultimate Worrier: Episode 1

Here's a new web-series I shot and edited for my good friend, Joe List.  It also features TV's Pat Dixon.  It's a heartfelt journey.  Enjoy and worry.
© 2013 Dan Hirshon | mail@danhirshon.com