Dan Hirshon - Film Editor

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Vines

Helped make some Memorial Day vine videos out in central park yesterday...

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Amsterdam Photos

Playing around in Photoshop with my photos from Amsterdam.  Trying to let go and experiment more, but it's a slow process...

Monday, May 13, 2013

New Episode of "Spending Time With..."

Wasn't involved with filming this episode of "Spending Time With..." but still very funny, nonetheless...

In this episode Dale takes a trapeze lesson with comedian, Sasheer Zamata (UCB/Comedy Central) and then opens up about his ex-wife.  Good times!  

Monday, May 6, 2013

Shtick a Pole In It

Shot another "Schtick a Pole In It" show with Dan Goodman and Joanna Ross.  Dan's editing the video right now and should be out soon.  Here are a couple shots from the show....

Friday, May 3, 2013

Heromakers Begins Animation!

Several months ago, Jay Nog and I, with the help of over 70 backers, successfully funded our kickstarter campaign to raise money for an animated comedy trailer.  You can find out more about the kickstarter campaign HERE and the Heromakers project HERE.

Jay and I recently got to visit the Buzzco animation team at their studio to see the rough animatic they'd devised for the Heromakers trailer.  The animatic was a very rough version of how the final animation will look, laying out the general locations of sketched out scenery and characters.  Very exciting to see it all come to life as over a year of working with the script.  

© 2013 Dan Hirshon | mail@danhirshon.com