Dan Hirshon - Film Editor

Friday, May 5, 2006

The Adventures of Smashman

As if I didn't feel creepy enough...

In college, my rowing team needed the money. We tried all kinds of fundraising, car washes, concession stands, mafia hits.

At one point we got an email from a guy who called himself Smashman. Apparently, Smashman likes to lie down and have people stand on him. In fact, he travels around the world, having everyone from fraternities to football teams stand on him. He figured he could help our crew team raise some money by having us stand on him while an audience bet how much weight he could take.

He (a small 145 lb man) ended up having about 6 guys, weighing a total of over 700 pounds stand on him and we raised about ten dollars. It was an awkward time in all our lives, but we did it for the sake of oarsmen in spandex. I think right after the cure for cancer, thats the next biggest priority.

Fast forward to now. My old crew buddy was surfing the internet and came across this story. Its pretty creepy and helps me feel even creepier for knowing Smashman (Still nowhere near as creepy as Owen Bowness.)


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