Dan Hirshon - Film Editor

Saturday, May 23, 2009

85 Things To Include On Your To-Do List

Big fan of “to do” lists?

Success Step 1: Make sure to make long to do lists so it feels like you're accomplishing something all the time.
Once you “take a nap” then you’ve done enough for the day and can take another nap.

Success Step 2: Be an accomplisher not a belly itcher.

Some people worry that they're including too many “to dos.” They'll check off 20 things on their "100 things to do" but at the end of day realize they forgot to “sign up for health insurance” because they were busy checking off “eat apple” and "watch youTube clips."

Forget those people. As we all know, an apple a day keeps the doctor away so you don't have to worry about health insurance. These things will work themselves out in the end. You're welcome.

Friday, May 22, 2009

How To Ruin a Movie For Someone

Check out Funnycakes' latest video at atom.com and let us know what you think...

Movie Day

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

16 Ways To Ruin A Complement

Are you insulted someone would complement you?
Complements drive us awkward people insane. Not like breathe fire out the ears insane. Just like hunch over and stare at the floor insane.


Complements never seem as personal as insults.

True Story:
Anyone could say, “I like your eyes” or “your hair looks nice” but it seems like a person puts real thought into saying, “Your breath smells like my asshole after a weekend at Taco Bell.”

Most people don’t want to be mean or confrontational without being funny so they take time out of their day to script something strong if they’re going to make fun of you.

Success Step 1:
If you’re ever insulted, just say, "thank you for thinking of me."

I know I appreciate insults more than complements. Also, my self-esteem might have something to do with it.
© 2013 Dan Hirshon | mail@danhirshon.com