Dan Hirshon - Film Editor

Monday, March 2, 2009

Dancing with the Devil

While visiting my mom I watched “Dancing with the stars” for the first time. I was surprised at how easily it draws you in and makes you want to watch more, though still gets you to hate yourself the whole time you’re watching it. It’s not like heroin or coke because it doesn’t give you a high, doesn’t help you make friends or make you cool at a party, though it does kill all your time and leave you needing therapy and rehab.

The show is just editing. Pure editing. They’re taking out the boring stuff, removing what people don’t want to see and showing you made up garbage.

In the past it was writers. It was creation. It was people coming up with witticisms and new ideas and satirical voices and challenging conventions.

Now it’s “let someone blab on forever and censor them until it’s watchable.”

Before it was create characters that mimic the idiots we have to live with, applaud the actors and comics who capture those characteristics so well, and congratulate the performers who understand people so well that they can imitate them with a sense of humor.

Now we just take the actual idiots and let them talk for as long as they want and we applaud the fact that they have no people skills. All the assholes we once made fun of, they now have their own shows, and clothing lines, and perfumes, and name brands.

Who’s at fault: the producers who take advantage of the dunces on camera and the average viewer who likes watching dunces…

Or the sluts of shows like Real Life Housewives and every other show about cunty women who get their way…

Or is it the cunty women who like watching this garbage because they like to watch other cunts get their way…

Or is it the dickhead husbands who are drinking in the bar, completely oblivious to the fact comedy is dying on television because they’re too busy hitting on the drunk sluts passing out in the corner.

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