Dan Hirshon - Film Editor

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Another killer audition...this time it wasn't all black women

Today I had a commercial audition for a psychological ward. That's right ladies, someone thought I'd be good for the part of a psycho…and I'm single. Can I get sexier?

Answer: Booyah.

I played the part of a guy who just got treated and is overcoming his psychological problems. I had to walk around and pretend to do random daily activities. Meanwhile another actor, playing my inner critic, walked closely behind me and told me I was doing everything wrong. I wasn't sure if we were shooting a commercial or an autobiographical film.

I started by mock ironing my shirt and fixing my tie. Then after two minutes I ran out of things to do so I just kept fixing my tie like I was an OCD case…just the type of person that the psych ward wants representing them.

In my own head I was self-consciously asking, "why are you fixing your tie again? That's not good acting." And in real life the other actor was saying, "Fixing your tie again, huh? You'll never get it right."
So I got flustered and it looked like I needed to go back to the psychological ward. On a positive note, they referred me to a great therapist.

That's right ladies, Sexy McSexy isn't too good for therapy.

Seriously though, call me. I miss when we used to write our initials in tree bark.

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